Vivage Reads

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Diary by Chuck Palahniuk

If you've read Fight CLub you know Palahniuk will deliver a twisted, dark tale. And Diary delivers although it very much reminded me of Stephen King. Older King stuff. I was expecting angry, edgy but not horror ala King.

This is ultimately a horror book with a mystical supernatural ambience.

Misty is a failed artist. She was an art student and met her quirky (rhinestone brooches pinned on his sweater was also pinned thru his nipple in the name of art) boyfriend, Peter who eventually became her husband.

Misty came from trailer trash, she imagined in her art to be of the class where money was no object. To live in a old money family, be the perfect family, life is easy and full of fabulously oppulent furniture, porches and beaches. Peter came from old money and eventually they moved to the island where old money is a scent wafting on the ocean breeze. They had a baby.

The book opens with a commentary about facial muscules. It eventually becomes clear that Misty is bitterly writing a diary to Peter. Peter tried to commit suicide but before he did he vandelized many of his construction job sites. Each house where he did construction had a room or a closet closed off to hide his crazy, scrawling graffitti. Graffitti that seemed to display his increasing frustration, anger and disinfranchisement.

As Misty sinks into her own depression and drinks to excess her daughter and mother in law urge her to paint. Go back to painting. Soon many of the island residents are making small comments to her about painting.

Unfortunate things happen to Misty and she is finally confined to bed because of a broken leg. Her confinement becomes more intense as she is imprisioned in her room.

The rest of the story becomes supernatural, it turns into a creepy horror story complete with horror story ending. I'm not going to outline it here so to find out you'll have to read the book.

I liked it but I prefer Fight Club as a tale.


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