Vivage Reads

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Thief's Gamble by Juliet McKenna

A pretty entertaining book. In the The Tale's of Einarinn series. This page has a pretty good summary of the plot:

I liked that the female protagonist was not a princess, is not hidden royalty, isn't romantically atwitter with -Does He Love Me, I Will Die Without Him- thoughts. She's more like a male in her, ahem, relationships.

There is a kidnapped person, he's one of their band...which allows the band to rally round and decide to find him. A common theme in fantasy but he's not a prince or a prince who doesn't know he's a prince, he's just a minor Mage.

And his rescue isn't what one normally finds in this type of book either.

The book ends with the Livak (the female protagonist) finding her partner in crime after leaving the banded company of Mages. There are 5 other books to this series (yay) so who knows if the partner adds to the band or if Livak is having to go at new adventures alone.

Good read, 495 pages so there is lots to keep you entertained. Warning the font is extra small (like size 9) so wear your reading glasses! I found myself so engrossed that I read it in one day, but it did tire my eyes.


  • At 10:35 AM, Blogger Jim said…

    Sounds like an interesting book. Small fonts are a pain.

    Did you change blog templates? The title color is almost unreadable against the blue background...

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger vivage said…

    Nope, I didn't change templates or font color. Hmmmmmm.

    I just took a look at it and it reads ok for me but maybe I'll change the font to bold.

  • At 5:32 AM, Blogger Jim said…

    It looks fine again now. Maybe my browser loaded the page wrong or something. Huh..

  • At 7:51 AM, Blogger vivage said…

    I was just thinking changing the templates but denying changing the templates could make a fun but stupid practical joke. But I'm too lazy.

  • At 7:10 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    Oh yeah, mess with my mind! ;->

  • At 7:33 PM, Blogger vivage said…

    bwhahaha, I would never! Ok, well, maybe but really not this time.

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Jim said…

  • At 7:39 PM, Blogger vivage said…

    Yay, thank you Jim. I'm usually too lazy to find the code and paste it in. Maybe one day they'll have the wysiwyg in my browser and I can do the lazy mans way of pushing a button.


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