Vivage Reads

Friday, June 23, 2006

Martha Wells

Last Sunday I picked up Martha Well's book: Wizard Hunters. Read it right after Fitzpatricks War.

A+ for characters, plot, adventure. A fantasy book with elements of sci-fi in it. A large scale war is happening in a world where wizards are respected and part of the defense effort. The attackers have their own kind of magic, making their huge airships (much like a dirgible) pop into existance. They can also detect magic being worked much to the dismay of the wizards and people of the world being attacked.

The heroine, Tremaine is accidently called into service because her father (who is missing) had developed a sphere that could do magical spells in the hands of wizards. The wizards are trying to create spheres that do the same but so far all have failed (and killed the wizards who were trying to create new spheres). The heroine has the original prototype and is asked to bring it into the Institute.

She does and is accidently/on purpose transported along with some others to another land thru a etheric gate. They discover some natives on the island, really the natives discover them by saving them from the enemy (the Gardiers). With no language in common they find common ground in understanding the enemy and each trying to find missing persons of each group.

Amongst the regular enemy, there are societial issues to overcome. The natives believe magic is evil despite having wizards amongst their own people. Cavorting with wizards is a way to get yourself killed or marked as one who has been cursed. Unfortunately they see everything of technology (electric lights, guns, modern materials) as magical and cursed. It's a bit of a struggle for Tremaine and her friends to get Illias and Giliead to trust them with their knowledge of technology, not to mention some of their party are wizards.

Chaos ensues. :-)

I finished this book pretty quickly and ran to Borders yesterday to get the next book: The Air Ships. By this time the natives Illias and Dilliead and the people from Il-Rien have (mostly) gotten used to each other and have an uneasy truce regarding magic. Now they've got to get Illias/Giliead's people to accept help from Tremaine and company and become allies. More adventure, interesting matriarchial society and patrichial society clashes, multiple worlds overlaid one another, a long sea voyage, missing people pop up in the strangest places and more chaos ensues.

So I finished that book. I had to check the website to find out when the 3rd and last book comes out. I guess I have to wait til July 25th. Bummer.

BUT, the good thing is there are 4 books previous to this series theat deals with the same world, some of the same characters but they take place prior to this time. Must go find them!


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