Vivage Reads

Friday, May 26, 2006


I'm waiting for the plumber. Supposed to be here between 1 and 3. Ok, I know it's not time yet but one never knows if they're really going to show early, on time or late. I guess I should count myself as lucky because lots of places give you a 4 hour window instead of the 2 hour the plumbers gave me.

The plumber needs to fix a running toilet and a leaky bathtub faucet. I have no idea how long that takes. The later he gets here the sooner I hope he fixes it. Why? Cuz I'm going to Susan's to watch Dr. Phil, that is if he's done by 5 mins of 4:00. It's Murphys Law that he won't get here til 3 ya know. And then if Murphys Law really kicks in hard, it'll take him 2 hours to complete the job.

As an aside, I hate being here when workers come. I don't know if it's because I have a bit of a mistrust issue ever since I got mugged many, many years ago. But whatever it is, I prefer not being the one who lets them in and waits for them to get done and leave. It gives me the heebie jeebies & I'd really prefer that Bill deal with all fix it guys.

It's weird because overall I believe people are mostly good, it's not likely someone is going to do something to me while they're in the house and I have at least one dog in the house too. Like I said, heebie jeebies.

Ok, going to open the gate to let the guys drive up the driveway when they get here.


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