Vivage Reads

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Tipping Point

Can we trace the tipping point of a specific event or trend? Yes, says author Malcolm Gladwell. So far (I'm about 1/2 thru the book) it's fascinating.

Identification of 3 types of communicators: Connectors, Mavens, Salesmen. Non-verbal facial cues and the dance we do with others while verbally communicating, is pretty familar to me but not to the nth degree he writes about. Errr, maybe I know it instinctually but never really have been able to articulate it other than to say, Yes, I read people pretty well.

Conceptual Stickiness: What keywords, key things make things stick with people. The whole chapter is sometimes obvious (like toddlers wanting/needing repetition) and sometimes not so obvious.

Contextual Power: Changing the environment thru context.

Some very interesting info on suicide, smoking and stickiness.

More later as I read. Ok, it's 1:24 am and I finished the book. Whooooooo. He lists his website in the last portion of the book: Click here to read about The Tipping Point

I highly recommend this book, it helps you understand how we humans frame and reframe our environment.

Good night, off to bed now that it's 1:31 am!


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