Vivage Reads

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Line of Beauty

Argh, painful to read. So hating it. Boring day to day, englishism about. Egads. And no where on the flyleaf does it mention the graphic nature.

Makes me sound like a prude, and I'm not at all...but I was discomforted at the sex scene between Leo and the main character.

I have little hope it will get better.


  • At 1:54 AM, Blogger vivage said…

    So I sent email on Sat. Here it is:

    As you all know I love you all very much, I would never do anything to intentionally cause you pain. Truly. Sooooo, my gift to you is the relief you'll feel when I tell you that it is NOT required that you finish (or even begin) reading that horrible, nasty book I picked for Jan book club.

    I've found the book (at least what I've read) to be horrifyingly painful, even moreso than Smilla...every time I even think of cracking the book open tears leak from my eyes, sobs are just ready to come bursting out of my chest, yeah, I think I'd truly need heavy medication to get thru this book.

    As an alternative, if you chose to do so is read Confessions of Max Tivoli by Andrew Sean Greer. It's not required but I will tell you that I WAS going to choose this book as my choice but decided against it (woe is me) because the theme is similar to Time Travelers Wife -- sorta kinda and I didn't want to do a theme repeat. BUT I did read it and recommend it highly. Although my choices might be really suspect after slogging thru any of Line of Beauty. If you don't want to read Confessions just come to book club knowing that I'll be bowing and scraping to each of you for not listening to my intuition.

    Love and big apologies,


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